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Mayafriends benytter lokal kunnskap og internasjonal støtte for å tilføre en bærekraftig utvikling i Mayasamfunnet

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På denne siden vil vi publisere rapporter fra våre prosjekter i de forskjellige Mayasamfunn i Guatemala og Mexico. Viktor og våre frivillige feltarbeidere vil holde oss oppdatert om sitt arbeid.

Vi vil også legge ut oppdateringer på saker i forbindelse med Mayafriends i Norge.

Viktor Chavarria

07.03.2013, Quiché Area

I am happy to share with you the center where we will be able to help people permanently is being built as you read this report!!!

I left the area of Rio Dulce 2 days ago I have driven for 13 hours in order to deliver the much needed de worming medicine for the quiche area (the Ixil group) which was the most affected during civil war and to deliver clothes to them. Please see the attached photos.

Tomorrow I will start my journey back to Izabal and i hope to reach it latest next Saturday as a lot of things require my attention in Izabal and our center, as well as few schools.

I am leaving Guatemala in 10 days and I believe I can do a lot more but for that I need founds.

And I also have a request to any of you whom it might feel right the following project to help me to help with volunteering or founds. Feel free to use Mayafriends account but please make sure to tag the payment you have donated stating it is for the Center, Clinc, Youth center or Playground.

What has been accomplished in 7 days is beyond imagination!

1. We have the very first dry compose toilet!!

2. Land access is possible and no longer need it 2 to 5 hours to access the land (this is perhaps one of the biggest accomplishments long term) From now on I will be able to transport any person in as little as 40 minutes to the nearest professional facility whose life might be endanger AND I will never see! a child die in my arms as i did in the past; because I can not take his mother to a hospital due to the amount of mud or impossible land access.

3. We have purchased and have in the center an small used gas fridge where I will be able to store vaccines or snake anti-venom which requires to be in a cool place, but I can store food too which will make living in the area possible for longer periods of time. (try keep a banana in a 34 celcius heat with 100 humidity for more than 3 days)

4. The Clinic for the center is the building you see in the link, its foundation is made of concrete, rock and iron which has been built to resit earthquakes, since Guatemala is prone to them, the last thing I need is heart people or voluteers if something like that were to take place.

5. The clinic will have regular down flush toilets but the black waters will be treated with the Watson wick system.

6. We have built a simple resting place to host up to 6 volunteers.

7. The place has purified water with ceramic water filter.

8. We have place an efficient cooking wooden stove.

And there's a lot more I wish to share with you but is already late and tomorrow I start a long journey by land to the site were the center is being built.

But I wanted to share with you a wishing list of things I need for the clinic before next rain season starts.

For anything you did today was ones a thought! Never underestimate the power of your thoughts.

Thank you for reading and thank you for being here!!!

Enjoy the photos!! It is just the beginning !!! Together we will change the world!!

Dear Frank, dear Astrid, I thank you with tears in my eyes for you have being incredibly instrumental to our work in Guatemala, would you be ok when I write a little about you and the help you have provided to us here in Guatemala and don’t think I do not remember you!

Each one of you who have help me to help is in my prayers, the only thing is that my prayers start to get longer and longer and I like that! I always wonder as a kid how a person would feel after praying for weeks none stop.

In Love

Tidligere rapporter:

Viktor Chavarria

02.02.2013, Rio Dulce, Izabal

Viktor Chavarria

20.11.2012, Ozuna, Escuintla


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The Quiché Area

Clinic Building Site